Archive: Eye Perfection, Whale Evolution, Altruism, Diamonds, Asteroid Life

These CEH articles from May 2002, lost in a website upgrade, are posted again here for amazement or amusement.

Is Terminal Lucidity a Window Into the Soul?

Patients with dementia sometimes "come back" briefly into lucid conversation. How is that possible?

Archive: Neptune, Molecular Motors, Romance

These entries from May 2002, lost during a website upgrade, are reposted here for edification, amusement, or both.

Species Diversification Still an Evolutionary Puzzle

A look at another failed attempt by evolutionists to explain the origin of species.

Darwin’s Blunder Lives On

A major journal publishes a paper claiming that natural selection is like human engineering.

Archive: Wood, Gratitude, and Space Aliens

These stories from 2003 are still fun to read after 21 years. Read about wood, gratitude, and space alien morality.

Darwinism Rationalizes Bad Habits

You can't help yourself. You're a victim of selection.

Philosopher Debunks Scientism But Falls Into His Own Pit

It's not necessary to be a scholar in academia to recognize logical blunders. It just takes common sense.

Trans Men Can Get Pregnant

New research reveals dangers in the gender transitioning experiment.

Not Funny: The Evolution of Humor

If humor is just an evolutionary behavioral artifact, why laugh?

Drunk Theory of the Brain Proposed

Humans got big brains from alcohol? What were these evolutionists drinking?

Evolution vs Climate

Let global warming come. There's nothing you can do about it. Evolution will take care of it, or not.

Clueless Scientists Ask Wrong Questions

By definition, you can't get a right answer to a wrong question.

Is Evolution Destroying Modern Medicine?

Impersonal health care is a symptom of a Darwinian worldview.

Archive: Christmas Stories from 2005

Here are a couple of entries relating to Christmas from 18 years ago.
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