Media Science Site Rationalizes Sales of Baby Body Parts July 18, 2015 The video that shocked the nation—Planned Parenthood selling fetal organs—is whitewashed by a science website. CONTINUE READING
Dating Methods Pluto Is Young July 15, 2015 The New Horizons science team is stunned by surface features on Pluto and its large moon Charon that cannot be billions of years old. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics No Scientific Method Can Generate Integrity July 12, 2015 The frequency of articles about misconduct, fraud and reproducibility show that scientists' integrity cannot be assumed by a "scientific method." CONTINUE READING
SETI Admit It: Mars Is Lifeless July 11, 2015 How much longer does the public have to be told that Mars "might" have life or space aliens "could" be found soon? CONTINUE READING
Education Conservatives Benefit Society July 8, 2015 If many social ills derive from lack of self-control and poor judgment, governments should foster conservatism. CONTINUE READING
SETI Desperately Seeking Life Beyond Earth July 7, 2015 Earth life cannot be unique. How about you, Mars? Europa, anything? Enceladus? Comet 67P? Please break the silence! CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Making Up Facts to Fit a Narrative July 6, 2015 To be a good evolutionary scientist, write your narrative first. Then observe things. Finally, make up a model that fits the narrative. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain More to Thank God for in Your Brain July 5, 2015 News about the most complex arrangement of matter in the known universe. CONTINUE READING
SETI SETI Believers Are Lost in Space July 2, 2015 How long can you say "watch this space" till onlookers lose interest? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain For Shame, Psychologists June 30, 2015 A psychologist points out the flaws in his field, including useless tropes that have utterly failed for decades. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Where Do Marriage Rights Come From? June 27, 2015 There is only one reliable source for a "right"—and that is a directive from the only possible giver of rights. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Brain Size Myth Won't Die June 26, 2015 Evolutionists continue to push the idea that bigger brains offer better fitness, despite repeated empirical problems. CONTINUE READING
Geology Geology Fail: The Problem with Proxies June 25, 2015 Using an observable data set as a stand-in for a theoretical model can be misleading, as several new geology papers illustrate. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Science Should Be Politically Neutral June 23, 2015 Why do all the mainstream science journals and reporters give a leftist slant? That's not very scientific. CONTINUE READING
Physics Quantum and Classical Realities: Reconciled at Last? June 22, 2015 Some physicists think they've explained how quantum effects vanish at macro scales; others say it doesn't change quantum mechanical paradoxes. CONTINUE READING