Science Supports Biblical View of Fathers, Mothers, Kids

Despite the materialist mindset of our scientific culture, evidence continues to support human exceptionalism and Biblical morality.

Astronomers Lie about Star Formation

A look at the evidence behind the latest claim of the universe's earliest stars shows nothing of the sort. And that's not the biggest whopper.

Titan: Planetary Scientists Invent Imaginary Histories

Getting from then to now is more poetic license than demonstrable fact.

Dino Soft Tissue Confirms Creationist Prediction

Gleanings from the original paper show discoverers excited but surprised. Creationists are excited and gratified.

More Dino Blood Found: Evolutionists in Denial

"Can soft tissue survive 75 million years?" the caption in Science Magazine reads.

You Should Trust Scientists (To Be Fallible)

Public trust in scientists exceeds their trustworthiness, experts warn.

CRISPR Opens Pandora's Box

A quick-and-easy gene editing procedure has leading scientists worried.

Dinosaurs Wore Scales, Birds Wore Feathers

Interesting new fossils of dinosaurs and birds cause some rethinking, calling into question whether previous thinking was thought out well.

Origin of Life Theories Lost in Space

Scenarios for life's origin contradict one another and compete for implausibility.

Moon Origin Models Require Cheating

You can't get Earth's moon from a planetary collision without quasi-miraculous tweaks to the models.

Researchers Test Scientific Brainwashing

Psychologists test methods of unconsciously manipulating people's biases – and nobody seems worried about it.

Press Welcomes "Lucy Neighbor"

Another species of Australopithecus has been named. But does the evidence justify the big to-do in the media?

Your Prophetic Brain

Your eyes and brain come pre-wired to make predictions, and they are usually right. Even babies know that.

Science Needs God; and Hurry!

Science is in a crisis of ethics. What would you expect from a community that rejects the Ten Commandments for morality that evolves?

Bats Are Home-Run Flyers

You don't just put wings on a naked mole rat and make it fly. Bats are designed to be aero-bat-ic champions.
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