Planets Defy Bottom-Up Assembly

As much as they want to imagine planets forming from dust, secular astronomers run into insurmountable difficulties.

Evolutionists Struggle to Explain Language

Theories of language evolution don't rise much higher than ape chest-pounding, monkey screams and imaginative speculations.

Big Bang Antimatter Problem Deepens

The most precise measurements ever show that particles and their antiparticles are perfect mirror images of each other.

Ancient Tissue Revolutionizing Historical Science

The ability to observe and reconstruct ancient DNA, proteins and tissues is bringing surprises to evolutionists.

Evolutionary Enigmas

Neo-Darwinism is at war with the observations, and the observations might just win.

Cosmic Conundrums

Modern cosmology is in a battle against the observations, and the observations might just win.

Neo-Darwinism Inadequate; Needs "Extension" and "Expansion"

A biologist and international collaborators want to change the assumption that neo-Darwinism explains biology.

Radiocarbon Dating Becoming Unreliable

Your T-shirt could soon contain the same carbon-14 as William the Conqueror's robe from 1066 AD, scientists warn.

Magnetic News

Magnetism is an important force in astronomy, planetary science and life. Here are news items involving magnets and magnetic fields.

Trafficking in Human Parts Nothing New

Shocking videos of abortionists selling baby body parts is only the latest in a long line of Darwinian ethical barbarities.

Origin of Life for Dummies

Readers can decide if these news stories on the origin of life represent smart science or not.

So Where's the Evolution?

When you go looking for evolution and find stasis, has Darwin been falsified?

Secular Anthropology Fails Consistently

By assuming long ages and by underestimating human creativity and mobility, evolutionary anthropologists keep getting surprised by evidence.

You Wouldn't Want to Live on "Earth's Cousin"

Despite the hype about another Earth-like exoplanet, Kepler 452b would not be as habitable as Venus.

Lonely Billionaire Throws $100 Million at SETI

Yuri Milner gathered the SETI believers and gave them a pile of money to find aliens.
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