Mammals What Sparked the Mammal Explosion? September 3, 2015 If you think tiny shrew-like mammals scurried afoot below dinosaurs right before they went extinct, you've got the wrong picture. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Built-in Brain Designs that Amaze Scientists August 31, 2015 Here's a quick run-down of brain news that should make us stand in awe of the 3-pound mass inside our skulls. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Jesus Was Not a Product of Parthenogenesis August 30, 2015 Secular scientists are free to disbelieve in the Virgin Birth, but should at least try to understand what they are denying. CONTINUE READING
Education Rock Art Is Not a Pterosaur August 29, 2015 When new information falsifies your hypothesis, you accept it and move on. Darwinians need to learn that, too. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Elephants, Mammoths, and Terror: The Ivory Trade Crisis August 28, 2015 Terror organizations are slaughtering elephants at alarming rates to sell the ivory in Asia and buy weapons. What to do? CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution More Flaws in Darwin's Mechanism August 27, 2015 Mutation and selection: we're taught those pillars of neo-Darwinism from high school. How does it measure up to reality, though? CONTINUE READING
Geology Balanced Rocks Challenge Dating Methods August 26, 2015 A person could almost push over some balanced rocks. Have they really been standing for 10,000 years through earthquakes and all? CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Applications from Nature August 25, 2015 In this Biomimetics list, we start with the application, then tell you what organism inspired it. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Planet Recipe Cooked Up August 24, 2015 Just add pebbles, stir, and get a planet. Is it real science, or just a game show? CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics People Portrayed as Predator Plague on Planet August 23, 2015 Humans are exceptional, all right; they kill everything else. What would Darwin do? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Give Early Man More Credit August 21, 2015 From cave to Stone Age, ancient people deserve more respect for their intelligence and capabilities than evolutionary anthropologists give them. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwin's Tree Am-Bushed August 20, 2015 Darwin's Tree of Life looks more like a bush, evolutionists find in bird data; that inference is probably widespread. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Astrobiology: The Joy of Being Wrong August 18, 2015 An astrobiologist looks forward to the day when everything he says is totally wrong. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution Darwinism: The Joy of Being Clueless August 17, 2015 Two evolutionists describe Darwinian evolution as a brilliant mess, with "a thousand times more questions than satisfactory answers". CONTINUE READING
Media Science Reporters Don't Even Try to Be Politically Neutral August 16, 2015 More evidence that when politics and ethics are in the news, science reporters will inevitably gravitate to the far-left position. CONTINUE READING