Human Population Bottleneck Admitted by Secular Geneticists

Secular scientists now claim that the human population almost died out. Does this match the Biblical record?

Maxwell Demon Secret: Intelligent Design

An instance has been found of James Clerk Maxwell's speculation about overcoming entropy.

Genetics of Skin Color Defies Evolution

Skin color: We used to believe it was produced by 3 genes; the number is now 135.

Purify Science by Kicking Darwin Out

Science writers would do well to apply a Darwin Filter before putting pen to paper.

To Solve Problems, Look to Nature

A wealth of engineering solutions is all around us if we but observe and learn.

How Deer Grow Antlers

Some species of deer grow full sets of antlers every year. Learn what stem cells have to do with this.

Did God Really Create Us Male and Female?

A peer-reviewed study published in a leading scientific journal finds transgender transitioning causes far more harm than benefit.

Repair Implies Foresight Implies Design

Multiple mechanisms are at work maintaining the body and repairing injuries to cells and tissues.

Body Design Extends to the Cell

From the whole body to each individual cell, we appear engineered for a purpose.

Evolutionary Trees Tangle With the Data

Evolutionary trees based on genetics conflict with those based on morphology and anatomy.

Redundancy in the Genetic Code Serves an Engineering Purpose

It's not wasteful to keep multiple copies of genes in the genome, a test of redundancy shows.

Internal Beauty: the Nuclear Pore Complex

Like a 3-D puzzle solved in 15 minutes, the nuclear envelope is a wonder to behold.

Genome Maintenance Defies Evolution

Darwinism cannot explain the multi-part systems required to maintain the DNA code.

Cells Recycle Their Own Garbage

An efficient system involving multiple complex parts keeps a cell clean, new Darwin-free research reveals.

Out On a Limb: The Evolution of Olympians

Pole vaulters, gymnasts, and hurdlers got their start by accident in precocious fish, say evolutionists.
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