Dinosaurs Breaking! Dino Blood Is Real December 1, 2015 Blood vessels found in a hadrosaur said to be 80 million years old are the real original material, researchers say. CONTINUE READING
Darwin and Evolution This Is Not Evolution December 1, 2015 Evidence often comes with a Darwin label, but let the buyer beware. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Tilted Planets Throw Theories Off Kilter November 30, 2015 An example of how data can be framed as success or failure, depending on the reporter's spin. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Good Lectures for the Holiday Weekend November 29, 2015 Hear the late Dr. Dr. Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith share wisdom about Biblical creation topics. CONTINUE READING
Education More Clarity for a Holiday Weekend November 28, 2015 Another recommended resource for clear thinking about Darwinism and origins. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Clarity for a Holiday Weekend November 27, 2015 Something to watch for Thanksgiving weekend. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Major Scientific Revolutions Are Still Possible November 24, 2015 Beware the myth of progress. There's more scientists don't know than what they know. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Reason Honestly with Purpose November 22, 2015 Science and society cannot exist without moral values. Use them; you were born with the capacity to apprehend them. CONTINUE READING
Biomimetics Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life November 21, 2015 Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things. CONTINUE READING
Cosmology Early Massive Galaxies Will Require Theory Overhaul (Again) November 18, 2015 Big bang theory didn't expect massive galaxies so early, but they've known about this problem for over a decade. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Priority of Basic Science Questioned November 9, 2015 Is government funding of basic science a prerequisite to progress? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Chinese Teeth Upset Early Man Timeline November 1, 2015 Is the truth in the teeth? Modern-looking human teeth in a Chinese cave create improbable migration patterns and dates. CONTINUE READING
Astronomy Inventing Stars, Solar Systems and Universes October 31, 2015 Always look into the methods used when scientists speak confidently about models for making things appear out of nowhere. CONTINUE READING
Human Body Were Our Bodies Created for Self-Repair? October 30, 2015 Studies of amphibians are suggesting that higher animals also had regenerative abilities that have been lost over time. CONTINUE READING
Solar System Cassini Plunges Through Enceladus Geyser, and Other Saturn News October 29, 2015 Yesterday's daring plunge through a plume of an Enceladus geyser is the highlight of recent Saturn news. CONTINUE READING